Ray Parra
- Current owner and instructor of the Parra Academy of Martial Arts and Affiliate Instructor’s Program throughout the US.
- 2017 Promoted to Tuhon (Full Instructor) under Grand Tuhon Supreme Leo T. Gaje Jr.
- Former Head Instructor for the Randy White Big Man Camp football program with ex Dallas Cowboy Randy White.
- 2011 Promoted to Blue Belt under Black Belt King Spider Web. Thanks for past BJJ training under Robby Robadi, Devin Miller, and Darrin Lillian.
- 2005 – Present Full Instructor un Sifu Larry Hartsel JKD Grappling Association
- 1989-Present Full Instructor Jeet Kune Do and Filipino Martial Arts under Inosanto International Martial Arts Instructors Association. Currently working on Senior Full Instructor Program
- 1988-Present Thai Boxing Association of USA
- First Level Instructor under Ajarn Surachai “Chai” Sirisute
- 1987-Present Unified Martial Arts Association. Full Instructor under Marc Mcfann, Unconventional and conventional ground fighting
- 1988-Present Lucaylucay Kali Jeet Kune Do Apprentice Instructor under Ted Lucay Lucay
- 1982-Present Pekiti Tirsia Global Organization – Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje Jr.
- 1982 Instructor Pekiti Tirsia
- 1988 Appointed as Director for Austin Pekiti Tirsia
- 2002 Chartered to teach Pekiti Tirsia as Austin Pitbulls Representative
- 1973-1986 Butokan Karate Association, 5 th Degree Black Belt Butokan Karate under Lynn L. Nichols master instructor.
- Trained in Shotokan, Tae Kwon Do, and Hapkido under Lynn Nichols and Greg Allen, El Paso , Texas
- Trained and competed in Bushido Full Contact Fighting and participated in public demonstration matches
- Ran martial arts classes for disadvantaged youth at various community and YMCA centers in El Paso , Texas
- 1973-1975 World Tae Kwon Do Association 1 st Degree Black Belt Tae Kwon Do Karate
- Trained at the University with the International Exchange Students Association from China in Wing Chung and Kempo Karate
- 1988 U.S. Police Defensive Tactics Ass. Certification in Pressure Point Control Tactics, use of Baton, Knife, Sai, Tonfa, Kuboton, Defensive Tactics, Baton and Empty Hand Defense, and Spontaneous Knife Defense
Martial Arts Achievements
- Inducted into the Martial Arts and Boxing Hall of Fame, El Paso, Texas , due to accomplishments in the Arts
- Commissioned by the US Military to provide advanced and intermediate- edged weapons training for the US Special Warfare Center to 7 th
- Special Forces Group (Airborne), Ft. Bragg , NC and the US 7th Cavalry in Ft Hood, Texas
- Provide international training in edged weapons and hand to hand combat to the Philippine Recon Marines, Special Response Team and the
- National Police Academy in the Philippines through the Pekiti Tirsia Global Ass.
- Provide on-going law enforcement trainers training in grappling with edged weapons for the Texas Department of Public Safety
- Provided defensive tactics training for law enforcement agencies in Texas and throughout the country
- Developed the first defensive tactics course for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Parole Officers
- Developed an impact and empty hand training video for Texas Department of Criminal Justice
- Developed an impact and empty hand training manual for Texas Department of Criminal Justice
- 2002 Awarded a medal for being Senior Student in the Pekiti Tirsia Global Organization by Tuhon Leo T. Gaje.
- Operate several Martial Arts Schools with a curriculum consistent with that taught at the Inosanto Martial Arts Academy
- Provide on-going military and law enforcement training
- University of Texas at El Paso , El Paso , Texas. BS Degree in Criminal Justice.
Professional Experience
- Ray Parra – Retired Texas Texas Department of Criminal Justice
- Director over the Adult Interstate Compact Office for the TX Department of Criminal Justice since 1996
- Governor’s appointments as Adult Interstate Compact Administrator since 1989
- Governor’s appointment as Deputy Compact Administrator
- Governor’s appointment as Chair of the Texas State Council on Adult Offender Supervision in 2003
- Employed with the TX Department of Criminal Justice for 27 years
- Positions included field parole officer, administrator and assistant director of field operations
- Held elected positions in the National Probation and Parole Compact Administrator’s Association as: President, President Elect, Treasurer, and Executive Councilman
- Happily married since August 1980, with three children two sons and one daughter
- Sons college graduates
- Four grand children
- Wife a retired Doctor in Psychiatric Nursing – keeps me rocking on all cylinders
- Other physical activities: running,walking, weights, diet
- Other mental activities reading and socializing with friends and family
Philosophy :
“Train to become an instructor who never stops being a student.” “Don’t take life so seriously and enjoy the things that you like to do and find enjoyment in things you have to do.”
Jeff Parra
Martial Arts Experience
- 15 years experience of martial arts including Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Black Belt, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Kali/Silat, Submission grappling, several forms of wrestling
- Performed Demonstration at Buda Festival 2006
- 2005 to present: JKD/Kali/Silat/Submission Grappling & Muay Thai under Guru Ray Parra
- 2006 to 2007: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Instructor King Webb
- 2007 to 2010: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Black Belt Ted Osburn
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Black Belt Darrin Lillian
- Black Belt in Jiu-Jitsu under Dave Dunn and former UFC champion Dean Lister lineage
- Several Carlos Machado Seminars
- Travis Tooke Seminar Jan 2010
- King Webb Seminar Jan 2010
- Relson Gracie Seminar Feb 2011
- Assisted Brandon Davis Wrestling Seminar June 2011
- Adam Ganshirt Muay Thai Seminar Jan 2010
- Numerous private sessions with King Webb and Ted Osburn
- Received Blue Belt 12/06/08 under Instructor Ted Osburn
- Received 4 stripe blue belt Under King Webb (Relson Gracie Black Belt)
- Currently Brown Belt under Darrin Lillian
- Currently Full Instructor in JKD,Muay Thai, Kali/Silat
- Teach adult Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at the Parra Academy.
- Trained and continue to train with several pro MMA fighters in the central Texas area.